This chart shows Hermit Crab compatibility by detailing the compatibility percentages for each sign compared to the Primal Zodiac sign of Hermit Crab. Each percentage shows how compatible each other Primal Zodiac sign is in relationship to a Hermit Crab.  The higher the number, the more naturally compatible you are together.  The lower the number, the harder you will have to work to make the relationship thrive.

Keep in mind that just because a compatibility number is low doesn't mean that you are meant to be enemies.  Low compatibility just indicates that there are more likely to be misunderstandings and possibly different styles of communication.  These relationships may take more effort than those with high Hermit Crab compatibility.

Hermit Crab Compatibility Chart

Sign Score
Aardvark 73%
Alligator 86%
Anaconda 78%
Anglerfish 91%
Angora Rabbit 79%
Ant 75%
Axolotl 64%
Beaver 86%
Bee 81%
Bird-of-Paradise 71%
Black Bear 75%
Boa Constrictor 76%
Boxer 89%
Buffalo 92%
Butterfly 69%
Camel 80%
Catfish 77%
Centipede 82%
Chameleon 79%
Cheetah 69%
Chimpanzee 83%
Chipmunk 68%
Clownfish 77%
Corgi 86%
Coyote 70%
Crane 79%
Cricket 80%
Deer 84%
Doberman Pinscher 79%
Dodo 75%
Dolphin 64%
Dove 79%
Dragonfly 89%
Duck 87%
Eagle 82%
Earthworm 84%
Elephant 65%
Emperor Tamarin 74%
Ferret 74%
Firefly 77%
Flamingo 92%
Fox 86%
Frog 81%
Gazelle 90%
Gecko 79%
Giraffe 89%
Golden Retriever 84%
Goldfinch 71%
Goose 74%
Gorilla 64%
Great White Shark 79%
Hammerhead Shark 74%
Handfish 77%
Hedgehog 84%
Hermit Crab 84%
Hippopotamus 65%
Honey Badger 93%
Hornet 82%
Hummingbird 77%
Hyena 84%
Iguana 81%
Jackal 91%
Jaguar 87%
Jellyfish 91%
Kangaroo 89%
Koala 84%
Komodo Dragon 88%
Ladybug 76%
Leafy Seadragon 82%
Lemming 68%
Lemur 81%
Leopard 72%
Llama 69%
Lobster 85%
Marmot 75%
Meerkat 63%
Mole 87%
Mongoose 83%
Moose 70%
Mouse 78%
Narwhal 93%
Ocelot 76%
Octopus 94%
Orca 82%
Ostrich 79%
Otter 73%
Owl 86%
Panda 92%
Panther 78%
Parrot 76%
Peacock 81%
Pelican 71%
Penguin 79%
Piranha 63%
Pit Bull 89%
Platypus 80%
Polar Bear 87%
Porcupine 72%
Praying Mantis 76%
Pufferfish 75%
Quetzal 85%
Raccoon 70%
Rattlesnake 87%
Raven 79%
Rhinoceros 78%
Roadrunner 69%
Salamander 94%
Salmon 84%
Sea Star 80%
Seagull 94%
Seahorse 73%
Seal 69%
Shih Tzu 89%
Silkworm 74%
Skunk 68%
Sloth 69%
Snail 86%
Spider 85%
Squid 90%
Squirrel 78%
Stingray 83%
Sugar Glider 74%
Sun Bear 75%
Swan 87%
Swordfish 76%
Tarantula 81%
Tarsier 84%
Tasmanian Devil 78%
Tortoise 82%
Toucan 74%
Turtle 79%
Tyrannosaurus Rex 72%
Unicorn 74%
Vampire Bat 88%
Vulture 63%
Walrus 65%
Weaver Finch 79%
Whale 77%
Wolf 93%
Wolverine 88%
Wombat 90%
Woodpecker 74%
Yak 80%
Zebra 80%

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