Members of this sign have a hard time relaxing. They don’t do well with quiet time and prefer to be the center of attention as often as possible. They have a weakness for flattery that can be exploited by others. Their energetic and inquisitive nature leads them into new opportunities and new projects all of the time, though they often move onto new projects and opportunities before they finish what they have started. Horses can be blunt and impatient as well, speaking their minds when perhaps they would do better being diplomatic, but that’s not the Horse way. This is a very self-reliant, self-oriented sign that can accomplish a great deal if they can stay focused.
There are 12 Primal Zodiac signs for the Eastern Zodiac sign of Horse, one for each sign of the Western Zodiac. If you don’t know your Western Zodiac sign you can use this chart to find your Primal Zodiac sign, which contains both Eastern and Western signs.
Aquarius born during the Year of the Horse...
born during the cycle of Aquarius are represented in Primal Astrology
by the Unicorn. Of course, a unicorn is not a real creature, but it is
exactly the fantasticness of them that suits Aquarians born during the
Year of the Horse. These individuals are standouts wherever they go.
They tend to be among the more eccentric Aquarians and are also more
likely to voice their opinion. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Unicorn by clicking here.
Aries born during the Year of the Horse...
born during the cycle of Aries are represented in Primal Astrology by
the Hammerhead Shark. The Horse enhances Aries’ independent and
adventurous spirit but also its impulsivity and impatience. Hammerhead
Sharks can never stop moving forward and are always on the lookout for
new adventures. They hate boredom and routine activity and can be very
quick tempered and blunt with their words. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Hammerhead Shark by clicking here.
Cancer born during the Year of the Horse...
born during the cycle of Cancer are represented in Primal Astrology by
the Hermit Crab. The combination of Cancer and the Horse can be a very
good one. The Horse brings much needed honesty and open-mindedness to
Cancer, who is able to (eventually) tame the Horse’s wild side and need
for independence. Hermit Crabs are known to move from place to place in
the animal kingdom, and this is the basis for this comparison with
humans born under these signs. As long as they are honest with
themselves, Hermit Crabs can create a good life for themselves, though
it may take longer for them to settle down than other Cancers. You can
read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Hermit Crab by clicking here.
Capricorn born during the Year of the Horse...
born during the cycle of Capricorn are represented in Primal Astrology
by the Salmon. Salmon are more outgoing and energetic than most other
Capricorns, but they also have a tendency to be more moody and
self-centered. Salmon are often restless and love to start new project
and come up with new goals, but the downside is that they are less
likely than other Capricorns to actually finish what they start. Still,
this is a very self reliant sign that must be careful to stay open
minded on their journey through life. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Salmon by clicking here.
Gemini born during the Year of the Horse...
born during the cycle of Gemini are represented in Primal Astrology by
the Great White Shark. Perhaps the most energetic of all Primal Zodiac
signs, Great White Sharks act like they will die if they ever stop
moving. The Horse supercharges Gemini’s restlessness, wild humor, and
outgoing nature, but it also intensifies Gemini’s need to constantly be
having an “experience”. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Great White Shark by clicking here.
Leo born during the Year of the Horse...
born during the cycle of Leo are represented in Primal Astrology by the
Hyena. While most Leos have a warm, soft, lazy side to them, Hyenas
are the exception. They are constantly on the go, and perhaps the most
ambitious of all Leos. They are certainly the most energetic. Hyenas
are witty and gregarious, and like to run in large groups rather than
alone. Though highly independent they can also become very self-centered
if the Horse becomes too strong of an influence. You can read more
about the Primal Zodiac sign of Hyena by clicking here.
Libra born during the Year of the Horse...
born during the cycle of Libra are represented in Primal Astrology by
the Goose. Geese are more likely to jump on chances for adventure than
other Libras. They are more independent as well, but they can also be
restless, impatient, and quick tempered. Goose is a very creative sign
that has everything required to see its goals through to the end. You
can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Goose by clicking here.
Pisces born during the Year of the Horse...
born during the cycle of Pisces are represented in Primal Astrology by
the Gecko. With Geckos, the Horse brings a much needed excitement and
spontaneity to Pisces while also enhances Pisces’ natural creativity and
open mindedness. With the Horse’s physical instability and Pisces
emotional instability Geckos can feel out of control often, yet the
beauty of this combination is that if the Horse can convince Pisces to
let go of its worries, there is nothing the two sides can’t accomplish
together. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Gecko by clicking here.
Sagittarius born during the Year of the Horse...
born during the cycle of Sagittarius are represented in Primal
Astrology by the Dove. Doves are honest, friendly, and open minded. Both
Sagittarius and the Horse love being on the move and are always ready
to move onto new adventures. This is a spontaneous sign that works hard
to get what it wants but is often distracted by the next great thing to
come along. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Dove by clicking here.
Scorpio born during the Year of the Horse...
born during the cycle of Scorpio are represented in Primal Astrology by
the Dragonfly. Dragonflies are more energetic and outgoing than most
other Scorpios. The Horse adds a witty sense of humor that open Scorpio
up to others, but also a quick temper and a need to be the center of
attention, which doesn’t suit Scorpio at all. Dragonflies are powerful
individuals whose biggest obstacle in life is themselves. You can read
more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Dragonfly by clicking here.
Taurus born during the Year of the Horse...
born during the cycle of Taurus are represented in Primal Astrology by
the Kangaroo. Kangaroos are strong, energetic, and restless. They can be
honest, friendly, and funny but they are also hot tempered. Few signs
can harness as much raw power as an angry Kangaroo, but this can work
against them as much as it can work for them. Kangaroos are also more
outgoing than most other Taureans. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Kangaroo by clicking here.
Virgo born during the Year of the Horse...
born during the cycle of Virgo are represented in Primal Astrology by
the Giraffe. Giraffes are true individuals who can make great use of
their creativity. The Horse keeps looking forward while Virgo looks
back, keeping Giraffes open minded and independent. Horse can be a bit
hot tempered, but that just might be what the sometimes cold and fussy
Virgo needs. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Giraffe by clicking here.