Kind, caring, and good natured describe those born during the Chinese Zodiac’s Year of the Pig. Those of this sign are pleasant to be around and enjoy socializing, hosting parties, and learning new things. Pigs are typically easy going to a surprising extent. They take it upon themselves to serve up self-punishment when they make mistakes, and they are highly aware of the comfort level of those around them. Pigs are intelligent, but in a specific way. They are very curious and don’t like to be left out of conversations due to a lack of understanding of the topic at hand. Pigs will investigate all of the topics they don’t know about in order to get at least a general understanding of that topic. Once this is achieved, though, Pigs tend to stop digging into one topic, preferring to know a little about many subjects rather than know much about a single subject.

Those born during the Year of the Pig believe that everyone is essentially good at heart and that those who exhibit bad behaviors are just confused souls acting out in negative ways. Since Pigs admire their own awareness of peaceful understanding and compassion, they can also be manipulated easily. They are indeed naive and could avoid heartache and material losses by trusting others less, but this would destroy a great deal of what makes them so wonderful for others. Pigs inherently understand this and choose to maintain a childlike fascination with the possibilities of the world, even if it leaves them vulnerable.

If Pig is your Chinese Zodiac sign, then you are in luck. This sign tends to even out particularly closed off or self-protective tropical zodiac signs, allowing an individual a certain sense of freedom from their own self-imposed limitations. Plus, Pigs are naturally lucky in life and love, and tend to function much like the tortoise in the famous fabled race against the hare. They slowly and methodically make their way through life in a calm and patient manner, often exceeding the intense and more noticeable achievements of their peers. One thing that you should never do is try to tell a Pig how to live his or her life. Though they are open to almost any conversation, they don’t take well to being told what to do. Any help should be offered thoughtfully and casually, and one should never be so assuming to believe that a Pig wants their help. While Pigs rely on others as much as others rely on them, they are often underestimated by friends and family. Pigs are just as capable as anyone else to achieve their dreams and live a happy, successful life. They just want to do it their way, with their own personal style.

Pigs love luxury and decadence, and particularly enjoy sharing earthly delights with a partner or with close friends or family. Though they may hit some speed bumps on the road to romance, Pigs tend to be quite good at attracting the right partners, which can also offset the tendencies of their paired sign in the Primal Zodiac.

There are 12 Primal Zodiac signs for the Eastern Zodiac sign of Pig, one for each sign of the Western Zodiac. If you don’t know your Western Zodiac sign you can use this chart to find your Primal Zodiac sign, which contains both Eastern and Western signs.

Aquarius born during the Year of the Pig...

Pigs born during the cycle of Aquarius are represented in Primal Astrology by the Pufferfish. The soft spoken but thoughtful Pig brings an added sociability to these Aquarians. Members of this sign are individuals in every way. They like to do things their own way and can easily change their mind when new information comes along, or if they just happen to feel like it. Pufferfish also tend to be more naive than other Aquarians and are more likely to be fooled by others who convince them what they are doing is for the greater good. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Pufferfish by clicking here.

Aries born during the Year of the Pig...

Pigs born during the cycle of Aries are represented in Primal Astrology by the Dodo. Dodos are friendly, innocent, and naive. Named after the now extinct bird not because they are unintelligent but because their inherent sense of trust in the goodness of others can also be their downfall. However, this generous and willing optimism is what makes Dodos so special. The Pig brings a sweetness and a gentleness that soften Aries’ rougher edges. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Dodo by clicking here.

Cancer born during the Year of the Pig...

Pigs born during the cycle of Cancer are represented in Primal Astrology by the Lobster. Lobsters are very caring individuals who often sacrifice their happiness for the happiness of others. The Pig enhances Cancer’s sincerity and dependability, but it also brings a naivety to Cancer that can lead to disappointment and heartbreak. On the other hand, the Pig’s influence keep Lobsters optimistic and patient and help stave off Cancer’s tendency to be self-pitying. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Lobster by clicking here.

Capricorn born during the Year of the Pig...

Pigs born during the cycle of Capricorn are represented in Primal Astrology by the Spider. Spiders are more likely than other Capricorns to be perfectionists, as well as give up their own happiness for others and/or the greater good. These are very determined individuals who enjoy taking time to relax and be social than most other Capricorns, but they also give of themselves to others quite often. They are likely to be drawn to money, status, and authority. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Spider by clicking here.

Gemini born during the Year of the Pig...

Pigs born during the cycle of Gemini are represented in Primal Astrology by the Cricket. Crickets are friendly, impulsive, and eccentric. The Pig enhances Gemini’s natural wit and charm as well as brings a certain amount of love and affection to the usually unemotional Gemini. Crickets trust their gut instinct and go with that more often than they play by the rules. This is an imaginative and sincere sign with a unique view on life. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Cricket by clicking here.

Leo born during the Year of the Pig...

Pigs born during the cycle of Leo are represented in Primal Astrology by the Quetzal. These are among the most vulnerable of the prideful Leo signs. Sincere, honorable, and obliging, Quetzals receive great joy from the act of giving. They are more sensitive than most Leos and also more intelligent. The Pig’s influence enhances Leo’s natural ability to impress others, but it also brings with it a naivety, and a greater likelihood of being taken advantage of by others. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Quetzal by clicking here.

Libra born during the Year of the Pig...

Pigs born during the cycle of Libra are represented in Primal Astrology by the Marmot. Marmots are among the least likely of Libras to get involved in the drama of other people. The Pig enhances Libra’s peaceful idealism and likeable innocence, but it also brings a certain naivety that will most likely frustrate Libra. Marmots love having nice things, which can work because they tend to also be good with money. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Marmot by clicking here.

Pisces born during the Year of the Pig...

Pigs born during the cycle of Pisces are represented in Primal Astrology by the Zebra. Zebras are socially conscious individuals who want to do everything right. The Pig enhances Pisces’ gentle good nature and compassionate generosity while adding both chivalry and naivety. Zebras are both artistic and intellectual and shy away from confrontation and arguments as much as possible. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Zebra by clicking here.

Sagittarius born during the Year of the Pig...

Pigs born during the cycle of Sagittarius are represented in Primal Astrology by the Camel. Camels are more sociable and people pleasing than other Sagittariuses. They are also a bit more naive, which doesn’t help Sagittarius’s tendency to look before they leap. However, they add a warmth and sincerity that Sagittarius tends to lack on its own. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Camel by clicking here.

Scorpio born during the Year of the Pig...

Pigs born during the cycle of Scorpio are represented in Primal Astrology by the Squid. The Pig brings a loving and caring side to Scorpio who also benefits from Pig’s determination and confidence. Squids dislike arguing because they are always right but nobody else is smart enough to realize it. Scorpio will try to keep its tough side up, but the Pig will be breaking down the wall as it’s being built. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Squid by clicking here.

Taurus born during the Year of the Pig...

Pigs born during the cycle of Taurus are represented in Primal Astrology by the Wombat. The Pig brings a loving, caring nature and a sociability while enhancing Taurus’s already strong senses of determination and chivalry. Wombats are work hard and play hard. They love to reward their own efforts with self indulgence, but have to be careful not to become escapists. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Wombat by clicking here.

Virgo born during the Year of the Pig...

Pigs born during the cycle of Virgo are represented in Primal Astrology by the Gazelle. The Pig’s easy going attitude is a great relief to often serious Virgo, though Pig’s naivety frustrates the organized and intelligent Virgo to no end. Gazelles are passive and caring and want to do everything right. They work well in groups and are happy following a leader as long as the leader is at least as smart as them. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Gazelle by clicking here.