Those born under the Eastern Zodiac sign of Monkey are very clever and very curious. They like to challenge themselves by trying new things. Monkeys enjoy games and puzzles especially and like to show off their problem solving skills to their peers. Few signs enjoy their own accomplishments as much as Monkeys do. They are often both intelligent and creatively talented in some way, making it easy for them to impress others from a distance, but it is Monkey’s wit and charm that draw others to them for the long haul. This is a mostly cheerful sign that cares more about being happy than they care about what others think about them.

Monkeys lose interest quickly, though, and are often already planning their next move before they have completed their last one. Monkeys have a strong confidence in themselves and their ability to solve problems, and this will be with them from early on. However, the early boost they get in life eventually evens out by early adulthood, a time when many Monkeys find that strategies that have worked in their youth no longer have the same effect.

Monkeys have to make an impression on people. They cannot go unnoticed. When not getting the attention they desire, it is not uncommon for Monkeys to become loud and audacious. It is simply more important to them to be noticed than to worry about the kind of impression they make. While this trait can be strongly tempered by other astrological influences (including and especially their corresponding Western Zodiac sign), there is still a strong element of attention-seeking in all Monkeys. It is important for this sign to have positive goals to accomplish, otherwise they are in danger of using their cleverness for selfish or immoral purposes.

There are 12 Primal Zodiac signs for the Eastern Zodiac sign of Monkey, one for each sign of the Western Zodiac. If you don’t know your Western Zodiac sign you can use this chart to find your Primal Zodiac sign, which contains both Eastern and Western signs.

Aquarius born during the Year of the Monkey...

Monkeys born during the cycle of Aquarius are represented in Primal Astrology by the Dolphin. Dolphins are among the most intellectually gifted of all Primal Zodiac signs and also among the most naturally curious. Mental stimulation is the name of the game for this sign, while the mere thought of boredom will send most Dolphins running (or swimming) for the hills. Monkey intensifies Aquarius’s imaginative reasoning but lessens Aquarius’s desire to help others or the greater good. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Dolphin by clicking here.

Aries born during the Year of the Monkey...

Monkeys born during the cycle of Aries are represented in Primal Astrology by the Gorilla. Gorillas are outgoing, energetic and love to try new things. The Monkey enhances Aries’ existing self confidence, quick wit, and pioneering spirit. However, the Monkey also makes Aries even more easily distracted and inquisitive. Gorillas shine in the light of their own accomplishments, if they can finish what they have started. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Gorilla by clicking here.

Cancer born during the Year of the Monkey...

Monkeys born during the cycle of Cancer are represented in Primal Astrology by the Emperor Tamarin. Monkey brings Cancer some much needed self-confidence with this combination, though it also brings with it a restless curiosity that can lead to depression from dissatisfaction if not kept in check. These are among the most outgoing of Cancers and the least likely to care what others think, which is not a strong Cancer trait. Emperor Tamarins can be quite popular, though they run the risk of over analyzing the words and actions of others and assuming hidden meanings where none exist. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Emperor Tamarin by clicking here.

Capricorn born during the Year of the Monkey...

Monkeys born during the cycle of Capricorn are represented in Primal Astrology by the Woodpecker. Capricorns are known for being resourceful but not necessarily innovative. Woodpeckers are more likely than other Capricorns to be clever, curious, and imaginative. Like those born under the Year of the Horse, these individuals often like to jump from project to project and don’t always finish what they start. However, they usually remain cheerful and upbeat and along with Capricorn’s natural perseverance, this can be a powerful combination. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Woodpecker by clicking here.

Gemini born during the Year of the Monkey...

Monkeys born during the cycle of Gemini are represented in Primal Astrology by the Seal. This is probably the most curious sign of the Primal Zodiac as well as one of the funniest. Seals like solving mysteries, talking to friends, and generally having a good time. The Monkey enhances Gemini’s wit and curiosity while also increases how much pain these individuals will be in when they are stuck being bored. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Seal by clicking here.

Leo born during the Year of the Monkey...

Monkeys born during the cycle of Leo are represented in Primal Astrology by the Ferret. Ferrets love to revel in their own accomplishments. They are highly intelligent Leos who like to use their charm to get what they want. They are the best of Leo signs at figuring out puzzles and challenges and among the least likely of Leos to care what others think about them. The influence of the Monkey heightens Leo’s ambition and curiosity but also makes it difficult for these individuals to stay on task. They are forever wondering what is around the corner and may end up moving from job to job or relationship to relationship. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Ferret by clicking here.

Libra born during the Year of the Monkey...

Monkeys born during the cycle of Libra are represented in Primal Astrology by the Axolotl. The Monkey enhances Libra’s intellectual, observational, and social skills, while adding charm, humor, and an outgoing presence to the mix. However, Monkeys are bad about finishing what they start which can cause this combination to find a groove early and stick with it far beyond the point that it benefits them. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Axolotl by clicking here.

Pisces born during the Year of the Monkey...

Monkeys born during the cycle of Pisces are represented in Primal Astrology by the Cheetah. Cheetahs are more charming and outgoing than most other Pisces, but they are also easily distracted and rarely finish what they start. Monkey adds to Pisces’ innovativeness and creativity but this combination is destined to always be running off to distant lands in their own imaginations. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Cheetah by clicking here.

Sagittarius born during the Year of the Monkey...

Monkeys born during the cycle of Sagittarius are represented in Primal Astrology by the Roadrunner. Of all Primal Zodiac signs, Roadrunners are the most likely to chase after the proverbial “end of the rainbow”. The Monkey does little to quench Sagittarius’s thirst for new experiences, though Monkey does add a wit and cleverness that can come in quite handy in social situations. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Roadrunner by clicking here.

Scorpio born during the Year of the Monkey...

Monkeys born during the cycle of Scorpio are represented in Primal Astrology by the Raven. Ravens are incredibly intelligent and innovative. Scorpio and the Monkey have so little in common that this combination should be a disaster, yet it works because both signs complement the other’s weaknesses. One of the most complex signs, Ravens usually get a quick start to life intellectually and may even be considered geniuses by many. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Raven by clicking here.

Taurus born during the Year of the Monkey...

Monkeys born during the cycle of Taurus are represented in Primal Astrology by the Ostrich. The Monkey brings a clever curiosity to Taurus who also benefits from Monkey’s charm, optimism, and adaptability. Where Ostriches suffer is when Monkey refuses to finish what it starts and a stubborn inner standoff with Taurus ensues, which usually just results in laziness and a disinterest in life. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Ostrich by clicking here.

Virgo born during the Year of the Monkey...

Monkeys born during the cycle of Virgo are represented in Primal Astrology by the Penguin. Penguins are more vivacious than most other Virgos, and also more curious. The Monkey brings a clever wit and a sense of fun to the mix while also enhancing Virgo’s intelligence. Virgo sees more than the Monkey wants to think about, but if the two signs can work together they can complement each other quite well. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Penguin by clicking here.