Those born under the Eastern Zodiac sign of Rat are the survivors of Chinese astrology. Rats stay busy at all times, planning and working their way to a place of success, power, and pride. Rats have a ton of energy and have a hard time just sitting around quietly. They constantly feel that there is more to be done, which can cause them a great deal of stress. Rats don’t like to share their problems with other people, though they always seem to have good advice for a friend in need. Rats are extremely observant and perceptive and exercise good judgement most of the time. They are problem solvers who like to move from one challenge to the next, never quite satisfied with what they have accomplished.

Rats are surprisingly charming. For all of their time spent working they are typically quite socially adept. Charming, witty, and funny, Rats are a joy to be around when they can let themselves go and just enjoy the company of others. They enjoy meeting new people and often have a large group of acquaintances rather than a handful of close friends.

Members of this sign start life with an advantage. Their observant nature allows them to learn things faster than their peers, though this evens out by the end of childhood. Because of this Rats sometimes feel frustrated that success does not come as easily later in life when others have caught up to their level. Therefore Rats always feel that they need to stay one step ahead of everyone else. When this causes too much stress Rats can become tense, aggressive, and judgemental. Though they are always focused on the big picture, they can benefit from a change in perspective every once in a while. Rats have to work harder to balance work and relaxation more than most other signs, but their perfectionist ways can be beneficial to their livelihood in the long run.

There are 12 Primal Zodiac signs for the Eastern Zodiac sign of Rat, one for each sign of the Western Zodiac. If you don’t know your Western Zodiac sign you can use this chart to find your Primal Zodiac sign, which contains both Eastern and Western signs.

Aquarius born during the Year of the Rat...

Rats born during the cycle of Aquarius are represented in Primal Astrology by the Meerkat. Meerkats are big dreamers but are less likely to share their ideas than other Aquarians. Meerkats enjoy solving problems and taking well planned out risks. These individuals are both imaginative and intellectual and have a tendency to fall in love with their own ideas. They are more likely than other Aquarians to become stressed out regularly and less likely to sacrifice their own happiness for the greater good. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Meerkat by clicking here.

Aries born during the Year of the Rat...

Rats born during the cycle of Aries are represented in Primal Astrology by the Piranha. Piranhas are always hungry for the next challenge. They revel in their own success and are willing to take risks that few others dare. The Rat brings good judgement and a survivalist attitude while enhancing Aries’ curiosity, restlessness, energy, and confidence. These are among the most likely of Aries to finish what they start. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Piranha by clicking here.

Cancer born during the Year of the Rat...

Rats born during the cycle of Cancer are represented in Primal Astrology by the Seahorse. Seahorses tend to take more risks than other Cancers, but that is balanced out by the Rat’s excellent judgement and perception. These Cancers are more likely than others to bury their feelings, but they are also more likely to chase after external, unemotional goals. Seahorses are good with money and like to focus on the big picture. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Seahorse by clicking here.

Capricorn born during the Year of the Rat...

Rats born during the cycle of Capricorn are represented in Primal Astrology by the Aardvark. Aardvarks are more likely than other Capricorns to keep their true thoughts and feelings to themselves, but they are also better than most Capricorns at expressing these same thoughts and feelings. Aardvarks are protective of themselves and their work, but they can also be very charming in social situations. Finding their own individual balance in life is a key for most Aardvarks. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Aardvark by clicking here.

Gemini born during the Year of the Rat...

Rats born during the cycle of Gemini are represented in Primal Astrology by the Chipmunk. Gemini and Rat have a lot in common, which is why Chipmunks rarely feel conflicted about who they are and what they want. This is a very observant and independent sign. Chipmunks are more ambitious and aggressive than other Geminis and are more susceptible to becoming highly stressed. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Chipmunk by clicking here.

Leo born during the Year of the Rat...

Rats born during the cycle of Leo are represented in Primal Astrology by the Otter. Otters are the survivalists of the Leo people. They have a certain inherent wisdom about the world which allows them to succeed when taking risks. Otters are very charming individuals; curious and energetic to the point of being restless. The influence of the Rat adds an aggressive but likeable energy to Leo while also intensifying the likelihood for selfishness. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Otter by clicking here.

Libra born during the Year of the Rat...

Rats born during the cycle of Libra are represented in Primal Astrology by the Vulture. Vultures are often focused more on the future than the present. The Rat is highly curious and energetic, which feeds into Libra’s romantic visions of the future well. Rats also can be aggressive, narrow-minded, and judgmental, the last of which is something Libra has to be very careful about taking too far. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Vulture by clicking here.

Pisces born during the Year of the Rat...

Rats born during the cycle of Pisces are represented in Primal Astrology by the Lemming. The Rat brings a cleverness and charm to introverted Pisces and together the two can be highly emotional and influential. Lemmings have excellent intuition and can express themselves very well creatively. However, they are also high strung and tend to get stressed out more easily than other Pisces. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Lemming by clicking here.

Sagittarius born during the Year of the Rat...

Rats born during the cycle of Sagittarius are represented in Primal Astrology by the Skunk. Skunks are thick skinned and resilient individuals who never give up when they see something they want. The Rat brings a survivalist attitude to the free wheeling Sagittarius, but also a wit and charm that helps Skunks get what they want. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Skunk by clicking here.

Scorpio born during the Year of the Rat...

Rats born during the cycle of Scorpio are represented in Primal Astrology by the Anaconda. Powerful, resourceful, and perceptive, nothing gets past an Anaconda except that which they allow to pass them. The Rat enhances Scorpio’s survival instincts and superb observational skills, but also brings a nervous energy to the mix. Luckily rats are funny and expressive, which complement Scorpio perfectly. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Anaconda by clicking here.

Taurus born during the Year of the Rat...

Rats born during the cycle of Taurus are represented in Primal Astrology by the Squirrel. The Rat brings energy, curiosity, and imagination to hard-working Taurus who also benefits from Rat’s charming wit and sociability. When well balanced Squirrels can accomplish any task, though when out of balance their determination can become relentless obsession which can possibly cross lines that other Taureans never would. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Squirrel by clicking here.

Virgo born during the Year of the Rat...

Rats born during the cycle of Virgo are represented in Primal Astrology by the Mouse. Mice are more expressive and take more risks than other Virgos, but they also more nervous and tense. The Rat is independent, charming, and funny and warms up Virgo’s personality with great results. Mice can also become power hungry and unscrupulous, though, so Virgo must keep the Rat in check in this regard. You can read more about the Primal Zodiac sign of Mouse by clicking here.